Book Review: Why Cities Matter (Um & Buzzard)

“What will be remembered about the twenty-first century … is the great, and final, shift of human populations out of rural, agricultural life and into cities. We will end this century as a wholly urban species.” ~ Doug Saunders

There has been a lot of buzz around the “city” these days. Everywhere I look it seems that someone is providing their opinion on the city and why it must be focused on. Maybe I’m just looking in all the right places to come across it, but I think they are all on to something. Tim Keller opens with a foreword detailing the power and potential that cities hold in shaping our future as a society; “the future of the world will be forged there (p.9). From experts in business, finance, economics, culture, politics, and even the church, leading voices in every field seem to be focusing on the importance of cities. “As cities go, so goes the world.”

Stephen Um and Justin Buzzard seek to not only examine a view of how the Bible calls us to contribute to the peace (flourishing, shalom) of the city (see Jeremiah 29), but also outlines the importance and characteristics of cities as well. Um & Buzzard lay out the framework that we, as Christians, stand in a unique crossroads historically, and that we have the potential to be a part of an amazing move of God by investing in the city and culture around us:

“We live in a unique moment in history. At no other time in history has our world looked so similar to the setting of the early church. Read the book of Acts and you read about a world that looks much like our own — an urban, pluralistic, cosmopolitan, diverse, dynamic, rapidly changing, and fast-developing world. Two thousand years ago, God built His church through cities. The book of Acts is a story about the geographic expansion of the Gospel through cities. Jerusalem, Ephesus, Corinth, and Rome represent where the Gospel was preached, disciples were made, and churches were established. These cities became healthier  communities because Christians were there.” (p.18)

To close, I thought it might be fitting to provide a brief snapshot of the book’s layout. For chapter 1, they tackle the general importance of cities (some of which, put briefly, is outlined above). Chapter 2 examines common characteristics of a city (after all, we ought to be in agreement as to what is and is not a city if we are to be invested in it, right?). Chapter 3 serves as a bridge, examining what the Bible has to say about cities. Chapter 4 examines contextualization of the Gospel in our cities. Chapter 5 examines how we ought to relate to our city’s dominant story line. And finally Chapter 6 wrestles through how we develop a ministerial vision for our city.

This book provides a practical, relevant, and (most importantly) biblical foundation for how we ought to view and approach cities, and what it will take to rightly contextualize the Gospel to urban centers. They do not handle the material lightly and understand that it is quite a task to take up, but the rewards are worth it. God is capable of moving today just as He did in the days of the early church; Um & Buzzard argue that the potential is even greater.

I think this book is precise, weighty, and well worth your time to read and reflect on the implications of reaching our cities with the Gospel. Pray, consider, and go forth.

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review purposes by Crossway Publishing. I was not required to post a positive review and the views expressed in this review are my own.

Book Review: This Momentary Marriage (Piper)

In Ephesians 5:32, Paul calls marriage a “profound mystery.” We may have heard it said before: earthly marriage is a picture of the Gospel; Christ being wedded to His Bride, the Church. That is what this book is about. The temporary being a shadow, pointing to the reality that is permanent. John Piper writes that “there has never been a generation whose general view of marriage is high enough” and with the constant pressure places on marriage in the U.S.–as we’ve seen over the years, as well as with all the debate over same-sex marriage–having a right understanding of marriage is more critical than ever.

Marriage is constantly under pressure in our society:

  • Who says that marriage should only be between one man and one woman?
  • Why should any two consenting adults be denied marriage if they’re in love?
  • Isn’t being in love essentially what marriage is all about?
  • Who says marriage ought to be “till death do us part”? If love is gone why stay married?

Even within the church:

  • What does the Bible mean that the husband is the head of the wife?
  • What does submission look like? Are there times we should not submit?
  • Do single people just miss out on the mystery of marriage?
  • What is God’s design in sex? What role does it play in the “mystery”?
  • What does the Bible really teach about divorce and remarriage?

This is what This Momentary Marriage is about. It seeks to display how marriage on this earth is separated only by death, but that it is meant as a profound symbol of the everlasting covenant between Christ and the Church. That marriage points to the Gospel, and points to profound, ultimate joy.

I cannot wait to experience this joy, in both respects, and I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone wanting to know what the Bible says about marriage, how it points to Jesus, and the joy available to us in the Gospel.

Some content adapted from; used with permission.
A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review purposes by Crossway Publishing. I was not required to post a positive review and the views expressed in this review are my own.

Biblical Manhood and Womanhood on Display

The story of Ruth and Boaz is the kind of story that can awaken and feed the masculine and feminine soul in ways that we cannot articulate.

I encourage you to be like a dolphin in the sea of our egalitarian, gender-leveling culture. Don’t be like a jellyfish. The ocean of secularism that we swim in (including much of the church) drifts toward minimizing serious differences between manhood and womanhood. The culture swings back and forth as to whether women are mainly sex objects or senior vice presidents. But rarely does it ponder the biblical vision that men are called to humbly lead and protect and provide, and women are called to come in alongside with their unique gifts and strengths and help the men carry through the vision.

I pray that you will be stirred up by Ruth and Boaz to pursue mature manhood and womanhood. More is at stake than we know. God has made marriage the showcase of his covenant love where the husband models Christ, and the wife models the church (Ephesians 5:21–33). And God calls single people to bless this vision and to cultivate an expression of leadership and support appropriate to their different relationships.

~ John Piper, A Sweet and Bitter Providence (p.132)

A Sweet and Bitter Providence can be downloaded for free or purchased online.